2022-09-15 09:21:06Source:驾玉生物Views:449
近日消息,驾玉生物医药有限公司(驾玉生物)宣布完成B轮融资。本轮融资由香港知名投资机构鼎珮集团(VMS Group)领投,瑞伏医疗创投基金(Panacea Venture)跟投。本轮融资将用于新增生物药GMP检测业务的仪器设备、试剂耗材购买,人员招聘及公司运营,技术专利购买等费用。
驾玉生物创始人、董事长、CEO林巧(Claudia Lin)博士表示:在过去5年内,驾玉有幸服务了国内外多于50家颇有成就的生物制药领军公司。此次B轮融资在严峻的生物医药行业整顿及其它不利因素大环境下,驾玉生物能再一次得到有国际化视野的生物创新药研发及产业化专业投资机构VMS Group和Panacea Venture的认可,为驾玉下一阶段的检测业务快速发展如虎添翼,在已有的生物大分子药包括细胞基因治疗产品的国际化GMP标准全方位检测业务奠定扎实的基础。此轮融资建立在驾玉与国际生物医药CXO巨头查尔斯河的战略合作基础上、充分结合国际大公司在行业中的领先地位与驾玉在中国本土药监环境下的经验,在驾玉开辟的独特生物药质量服务赛道为中国生物药创新药走向国际先进市场有着独特及关键的意义。我坚信、接下来的5年是驾玉在这个稀缺领域细分赛道做大做全,始终保持国际化的GMP质量服务标准,不断紧跟高端生物药国际国内的研发步伐,为中国及世界人民的健康不断努力的新阶段,在新老合作伙伴的支持下,我们对未来充满信心。
鼎珮集团(VMS)董事总经理及医疗健康投资主管、瑞伏医疗创投合伙人伍兆威先生表示:驾玉生物为全球的高端生物制药公司,特别是细胞和基因疗法(C>)公司,提供端到端的质量和检测技术服务,在蓬勃发展的生物质量和检测外包服务领域中占据领导者的位置。我们很荣幸能领投本轮融资,并致力于投资具有突破性技术和高增长潜力的公司。 我们有信心在创始团队的带领下,公司将持续快速的发展,在中国乃至全球的生物制品质量外包服务市场中大放异彩。
Shanghai-Suzhou – Suzhou, China, Hong Kong and Shanghai, September 8, 2022 – Jade Biomedical Co. Ltd., (“Jade Bio”) a Suzhou based CXO biologics service company proving contract services for companies developing biologic therapeutics from its Contract Quality, Bio-CQO® and Contract Testing Laboratories (CTL), Bio-Pacific Laboratories® announced the completion of Series B Financing. The funds will be used for the expansion of its biologics testing (Bio-Pacific Laboratories, BPL) services and operations.
VMS Led the round, with participation from Panacea Healthcare.
Founded in 2017 by China National Innovation Expert, a US bio-pharmaceutical GMP quality management veteran Dr. Claudia Qiao Lin, Jade Bio was the first ever to propose and register the trademark for a new business model, Bio-CQO®, quality contracting service for biological products. In the past 5 years, Jade Bio has successfully helped leading Chinese and US companies in a repertoire of GMP quality service areas contributing to successful IND and BLA filings on more than 50 projects covering monoclonal antibody, ADC, CAR-T and other CGT, mRNA products.
Jade Bio has developed, validated, and holds ownership of proprietary technologies, for advanced test methods (e.g. RCL, Replication Competent Lentivirus), all of which have been used in successful product regulatory submissions in China and the U.S. In addition, Jade provides a one-stop biological sample import and export service (inclusive of cold-chain management solutions) by working closely with local and regional government custom officials and hubs, removing logistics obstacles in an ever-expanding globalization trend between Chinese and global companies.
Dr. Claudia Lin, founder, chairman and CEO of Jade Bio, says: “This successful Series B Financing from two influential healthcare investment firms, VMS and Panacea, in the midst of an industry market correction with limited financing opportunities further establishes and enhances Jade Bio’s strong position for the continuation of its upward trajectory, expansion of service offerings, and market reach in China and beyond. The financing builds upon Jade’s strategic collaboration with Charles River to combine Charles River’s industry expertise with JADE’s deep knowledge of local regulatory environments, providing clients with a leading solution. With our partners, we firmly believe that the unique expertise and position Jade Bio has gained in addressing one of the major obstacles that limit initial and long-term product success, i.e. lack of manufacturing quality and GMP compliance, will enable more of the Chinese biologics companies to not only launch high quality products with clinical benefits to the Chinese people, but also expand into US and EU markets.”
Andrew Ng, Head of Healthcare of VMS Group and Investment Partner of Panacea Venture says: “Jade Bio provides premium end-to-end quality and testing technology services for top-tier biopharmaceutical companies, especially for those in the cell and gene therapy industry. Jade is in a leading position of the booming field of biological quality and testing outsourcing services. We are honored to lead this financing round, and we are committed to investing in companies with breakthrough technologies and high growth potential. We are confident that Jade will continue to develop rapidly under the leadership of the founding team.”
驾玉生物成立于2017年6月,是第一家提出Bio-CQO®, 生物药质量承包服务这个崭新商务模式的公司并拥有注册商标。过去5年内,在GMP质量体系及产品QA/QC/QV及相关药监注册申报服务方面,驾玉生物已成功帮助客户交付50多个项目的IND到BLA申报,其中包括中国和美国生物大分子产业化领军企业,包括单抗、ADC、CAR-T及其它CGT、mRNA产品公司以及中美领军CDMO。
2020年底,驾玉生物与全球Top 10 CXO,查尔斯河实验(Charles River Laboratories ,CRL)达成战略合作伙伴关系,驾玉生物是中国唯一获得CRL信任、投资(A轮)和战略合作关系的CXO企业。驾玉在中国的生物制药综合检测实验室已被CRL认证为其全球生物药GMP检测实验室的无限制第三方承包商。
About Jade Bio
Jade Bio, a fast-growing service company well positioned to become a leader in China biologics therapeutics value chain has previously received Series A funding and formed partnership with Charles River Laboratories (CRL), one of the world’s top 10 CXO, leading Biologics Testing service companies and CGT CDMO. Jade Bio services are focused in several areas critical to biologics therapeutic product realization and global health authority approvals including: GMP quality systems and management, biologics testing services and cold chain logistics. Jade Bio provides cell banking and other comprehensive quality control testing for biologics/biopharmaceuticals/CGTs using state-of-the-art, global GMP-compliant testing solutions for all large molecule product platforms. So far, Jade Bio has served over 50 leading China and US biologics/biopharmaceutical/CDMO companies over the past 5 years, enabling clients’ product success, while serving patient needs by improving GMP compliance and product quality for the industry.
About VMS
Established in 2006, VMS Group is leading multi-strategy financial group providing specialized investment solutions and consulting services, including private equity, structured financing, real estate investment, securities and other business. The private equity focuses on innovation and growth opportunities in key areas such as healthcare, technology, media and telecommunications (including new retail and new services), and cutting-edge technology. VMS Healthcare team focuses on global innovative healthcare companies that can address unmet clinical needs. The investment verticals include therapeutics, medical devices, diagnostics and CXO. VMS Group has successfully completed more than 150 investments globally.
Panacea Venture是一家专注于医疗行业的风险投资公司,在上海、香港和硅谷设有办事处。Panacea Venture 成立于2017年,专注于投资和孵化具有突破性技术和发现能力的早期生命科学公司,这些公司在全球范围内有可能解决未满足的医疗需求并提高病患的生活质量。Panacea Venture目前管理三支美元基金和一支人民币基金。
About Panacea Venture
Panacea Venture is a healthcare focused venture capital firm, with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Silicon Valley. Founded in 2017, Panacea Venture focuses on investing in and incubating early-stage life science companies with breakthrough technologies and discoveries that can potentially address unmet medical needs and enhance the quality of life on a global scale. Panacea Venture currently manages three USD funds and one RMB fund.